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Working with DOCX files

DOCX templates can be edited in any editor that is able to edit DOCX files, including:

  • Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Word Online
  • Libre Office
  • Google Docs

We recommend using Microsoft Word as your editor when possible if the document may need additional editing by the user.

If your document will be converted into a PDF for the user, it may be useful to open the DOCX file in Libre Office. Docassemble, by default, uses Libre Office to convert the Word file to PDF. Sometimes formatting glitches will be visible only when the document is opened in Libre Office.

DOCX files can be very simple to work with, but we've taken the time to describe some common tasks, such as working with tables and lists, in more detail here. You have much more control over those features in a DOCX template than you do in a PDF.

DOCX field labels are just typed in

Fields are added to DOCX templates simply by typing the variable name in the body of your Microsoft Word document, surrounded by two sets of curly braces, like: {{ variable_name }}.

The syntax to type in fields in a DOCX template is named jinja2.

Learn more about Jinja2 and about DOCX templates in Docassemble.

The most common kinds of fields you will use again and again are:

  1. Fill in the blank fields, which are simply surrounded with double curly brackets: {{ field_name }}
  2. Conditional text with {% if some_condition %} and {% endif %}, or the slight variation {%p if some_condition %} ... {%p endif %} to make a whole paragraph conditional.
Docassemble uses the docxtpl variant of Jinja2

docxtpl has slight differences to the more common Jinja2 format used in HTML documents. If a feature isn't working as you expect, make sure to check the docxtpl documentation.

Here is an example of a DOCX template:

{{ other_parties[0].address_block() }}

Dear {{ other_parties[0] }}:

I am writing today because my {{ house_or_apartment }} is not up to code.


* {%p for item in problems %}
* {{ item }}
* {%p endfor %}

{%p if previously_notified %}
I already told you about this problem on {{ notification_date.format("MM/dd/yyyy") }}
{%p endif %}

Please solve this problem promptly.


{{ users[0].signature_if_final(i) }}
{{ users[0] }}

Start by just adding the basic variables in your DOCX template, without repeated elements or advanced code

Before you run your form through the Weaver, start out with simple logic. For example:

The Weaver may not know how to properly handle some more advanced formatting if you add it before you upload it to the Weaver. You can add these refining details after you run the form through the Weaver. Use the first draft just to add placeholders where information will go.

Use the Assembly Line's standard field names for DOCX templates

Use the specific names for labels for full compatibility with the Assembly Line framework.

Use a space before and after the variable name in the field statements

It's best to always use a space before and after the field name or conditional instruction when using Jinja2 in a DOCX.

A few letters that can be typed directly after the {{ or {% characters have special meaning. Specifically:

  • r, which means to treat the field as "raw" formatted DOCX run
  • p, which means to remove the paragraph that the statement is in, and potentially replace with a new, preformatted paragraph
  • tr, same as p but for table rows
  • tc, same as p but for table columns

Always using a space helps avoid you forgetting these special cases. It also helps with readability.

Dealing with whitespace and conditional text

Avoid using - to control whitespace

While in standard Jinja2 you can use a - to control whitespace, this won't work reliably in Docassemble. That is because Docassemble uses docxtpl, not the standard Jinja2.

Avoid using this feature in your templates.

Use {%p %} and {%tr %} to control white space at the paragraph level

When inserting conditional paragraphs, make sure that they are wrapped in {%p %} tags, like this:

{%p if some_condition %}
This is my conditional paragraph.
{%p endif %}

But make sure that the {%p %} is truly in its own paragraph, not just a soft carriage return. You can check by toggling the show formatting marks option in Word.

Also use {%p if %} to control conditional items in a list, like this:

  1. {%p if condition %}
  2. Conditional text
  3. {%p endif %}

Keep the condition inside the list itself. Avoid using the condition in its own paragraph, as when Docassemble merges the two lists they may behave unpredictably.

Similarly, use tc and tr to control repeated or conditional rows. Keep this in-line in one table when it makes sense. Avoid using {%p %} and multiple tables, as this can lead to unexpected table formatting when the two separate tables are merged.

For example, to repeat rows in a table:

Attribute 1Attribute 2
{%tr for item in my_list %} 
{{ item.attribute_1 }}{{ item.attribute_2 }}
{%tr endfor %} 

The same {%tr %} can be used for conditional rows, and {%tc %} works similarly for conditional or repeated columns.

{%tr %} and {%tc %} should always be in their own row or column.

Don't use {%p %} inside a table cell

{%p %} can lead to unexpected results inside a table. Use {%tr %} instead.

Use {% if %} for conditional text inside a single paragraph

If you have a few conditional words in a paragraph, you can use {% if %} in-line in the paragraph. For example:

{%if user == "self" %}I request{% else %}{{ user }} requests{% endif %} the following:

If you have many repeated examples of the same condition, though, you may be better off making the whole paragraph conditional.

When using in-line conditions, make sure you consistently place the space across each condition.

Use output_checkbox() for conditional checkbox fields that look like paper forms

In some cases, you need to make your Word Document look like a document that was filled in by hand. output_checkbox() can be used to add a checkbox in-line in your document.

These two expressions are equivalent, but the second version takes substantially less space in your template:

Using if/else/endifUsing output_checkbox()
{%if condition %}[X]{% else %}[ ]{% endif %}{{ output_checkbox(condition) }}

Changing the appearance of inserted variable text

Start with Microsoft Word's formatting for simple use cases

In general, to control the color, italicization, bold, and other features of the text, you can use Microsoft Word's built-in functionality.

Make sure that the bold formatting, etc., is applied to the whole label, including the starting and ending {{ }}.


This is an inline formatted {{ variable }}.

Use filters, functions, and methods for advanced changes to variables

For more advanced changes to the variable text, you will use a mix of Python functions, methods, and Jinja2 filters. It's not always intuitive which to use when. In some cases, you can use more than one.

Functions and methods are either built-in to Python, Docassemble, or a custom class you create. Note that some Python functions won't work in a DOCX template. If you run into a function that doesn't work as expected, look to see if there's an equivalent filter to replace it. In most cases there will be.

This is a function, which surrounds the variable name in ():

{{ function_wrapper(some_variable, optional_parameter) }}

This is a method:

{{ some_variable.method(optional_parameter) }}

This is a filter:

{{ some_variable | filter }}

This is a filter with a parameter:

{{ some_variable | filter(optional_parameter) }}

Some sources for filters you can use:


One filter you'll find yourself using frequently is the length filter. Docassemble doesn't make len() available inside of Docassemble templates, so you must use length as a filter instead. For example:

{%p if users | length > 2 %}
{%p endif %}

Use Jinja2 filters to change capitalization

To change the capitalization of text, it's best to use a Jinja2 filter. If you used Word's formatting instead, it would be harder to check for typos or mistakes in the variable name, which is case sensitive.

Use these filters for common changes to capitalization:

Capitalize all lettersupper{{ some_variable | upper }}
Make all letters lowercaselower{{ some_variable | lower }}
Capitalize just the first lettercapitalize{{ some_variable | capitalize }}
Capitalize just the first letter of each wordtitle{{ some_variable | title }}

Note that the "title" filter is not smart enough to follow standard grammatical rules. It will simply capitalize the first letter of every word.

Use fix_punctuation() to add an ending .

The fix_punctuation() function can help you add an ending . without risking adding an extra one to the user's provided text.

For example:

I need this order because:

{{ fix_punctuation(order_reason) }}

Tips for dealing with formatting issues caused by variable-length documents in Word

When working with documents that are tightly formatted, it's important to test with both short and long amounts of text and with different numbers of repeated fields.

Usually, the best place to control these is inside the Word document itself.

Repeated items in a list can often reveal formatting problems in the underlying document, as can long text inputs or even long names.

For example, a long name can bump text down to a new line. This may break paragraphs you intended to be together on a single page across multiple pages.

You will need to make choices about whether and how you want to control these problems in the template and which problems you are okay with leaving to resolve until the attorney or user edits it manually. You will inevitably have some of these choices to make.

Use "keep lines together" and "keep with next" for notary blocks, signature blocks, and other text that can't split across pages

Microsoft Word has several features that can be used to control when a paragraph is able to break across multiple pages.

Use manual page breaks rather than extra typed paragraphs

Insert a manual page break when you want text to be at the top of its own page, rather than relying on the current amount of text to flow onto a new page automatically.

Working with lists inside a DOCX file

Unfortunately, if you've gotten used to using list comprehensions to filter and manage working with lists, you cannot use list comprehensions in a DOCX file.

There are a few alternatives to use when dealing with a subset of a list, described below.

Iterate over every item in the list

Jinja2 supports the standard for loop construct from Python. See:

You'll normally use {%p for temporary_variable in list_name %} ... {%p endfor %} to loop over the items in a list.


{%p for child in children %}

{{ child }} was born on {{ child.birthdate }}

{%p endfor %}

child is a temporary variable that updates with a new item of the list each time the loop runs through.

Get the index of the current loop

In Jinja2, there are 2 separate special variables that you can access that represent the current position in the list:

  1. loop.index, which starts with the number 1, for the first item in the list
  2. loop.index0, which starts with the number 0 for the first item in the list

More special variables with information about the list are documented here.

Use the list at a certain starting/ending value

You can use Python's normal list "slices" to shorten the size of the list you display in the template, as well as list indices to get just one item.

The basic syntax of a list "slice" is to put the starting and ending index inside the brackets. You can leave off either the starting or ending digit to get everything up to/before that index, or you can specify negative numbers to count backwards.

  • list[1:] starts at index 1 in the list and returns everything after that index.
  • list[:5] gets items at the indices 0-4.
  • list[1:3] returns a list with the items at indices 1 and 2.
  • list[2] returns just the item at index 2 (not a list of items).
  • list[:-1] returns every item except the final item in the list.
  • list[-1] returns only the last item in the list.
1. Primary agent

Primary agent's name: {{ agents[0] }}

{%p for agent in agents[1:] %}

2. {{ ordinal(loop.index0) }} Backup Agent

{{ agent }}

{%p endfor %}

Filter the list with DAList.filter()

You can do very simple filtering of a list with the .filter() method.

For example, suppose every item in the list my_list has an attribute is_employed that can be True or False:

1. People with jobs

{%p for person in my_list.filter(is_employed=True) %}
{{ person }}
{%p endfor %}

This only works for checking one attribute, and one value. You can use selecattr, described below, for more complex situations. One benefit of filter() is that the result will be of the special Docassemble DAList class.

Create a sum with the sum filter

If you have a list of objects that each have a number stored in an attribute, you can use the sum filter to add the values altogether.

You may also want to use the currency() function to format the number as currency.


{{ currency(incomes | sum(attribute='amount')) }}

Note that the filter, sum, can appear in-line in the expression and then the result of the list with the filter can be passed as a parameter to the currency() function.

Use selectattr for more complex comparisons

The selectattr filter can be used to narrow a list down to only those items that have a particular attribute value. There's a shortcut for a True/False value:

{{ users | selectattr("is_active") }}

Or the longer version to check for a particular exact value:

{{ users | selectattr("email", "none") }}

If you need to check for 1 of 2 possible values, you can use the "in" parameter and provide a list of choices:

{% for applicant in applicants | selectattr('status', 'in', ['approved', 'conditionally_approved']) %}
* {{ }} - {{ applicant.birthdate.format("MM/dd/yyyy") }}
{% endfor %}

Notice that the name of the attribute goes in quotes.

In addition to in, you can use any of the Jinja2 "tests" documented here.

You can also combine multiple selectattr filters in a series, like:

{{ my_list | selecattr("test1") | selecattr("test2") }}

Troubleshooting DOCX files

Fixing corrupt or potentially corrupt DOCX files

You can fix some hard to track down problems in a DOCX file by converting to a simpler format, such as RTF, and then converting back to DOCX. These problems might only appear when you merge multiple DOCX files together and be silently fixed when you open just one at a time. This is sometimes caused by using Google Docs, which reliably produces DOCX files that don't meet the full DOCX technical specification.

To try this fix:

  1. Open the document in Microsoft Word or Libre Office
  2. Choose File | Save as, and select "RTF - Rich Text Format" as the file type
  3. Close your word processor
  4. Open the file with the newly added .RTF extension
  5. Save the file back to Microsoft Word - DOCX format.

Troubleshooting problems with conversion to PDF

Sometimes the DOCX will look right, but things like headings, numberings, and other styles will look off when Docassemble converts your template to PDF.

The first thing to check when troubleshooting a DOCX conversion to PDF is to see how the document looks in Libre Office. Docassemble uses Libre Office to convert DOCX to PDF, so if you can fix issues in Libre Office on your home computer, it should look right when Docassemble converts it to PDF on the server.

Installing the proper fonts

One issue you may find is that the PDF doesn't have the right fonts. There are two potential solutions:

  1. You can revise your document to use the Microsoft True Type Core Fonts for the Web, which come pre-installed on Docassemble servers. These include Arial and Times New Roman.
  2. You can install the fonts on the Docassemble server. The ALDashboard's "Install fonts" widget can help you install a TTF (TrueType) font on your server.
  3. You can embed the fonts inside the DOCX file. This might significantly increase the file size.

Problems with lists and numbering after automation

Multi-level numbered and lettered lists are a frequent problem spot. On occasion, the only way to fix the list in your template is to copy all of the text, paste into a new document as unformatted text, and then re-apply all of the formatting (or at least the list formatting) manually.

Quality control checklist

  • The DOCX template has valid Jinja syntax. You can use the ALDashboard's "Validate DOCX template" widget, installed on your own Docassemble server, to check.
  • All of the expected standard field names are recognized by the Weaver (marked in bold when you upload and view the quality control screen)
  • Custom field names are all properly spelled, without typos
  • Run the interview with short, long, and one and many items for repeated lists to ensure that the full range of common scenarios looks proper.
  • Check choices that can trigger conditional text to make sure white space is correct across all conditions. It's easy to add an extra space when using in-line conditions.