Go from paper court form to beautiful web app with ease

Pre-built questions and components
Get started quickly by using expert-vetted, plain language questions covering all of the basics needed for court and government forms.

Powered by Docassemble
The Document Assembly Line uses the free and open source Docassemble as its engine. Build with confidence knowing it will be free to use, forever.

No spaghetti code here
Our process quickly builds readable, maintainable code that follows best practices. We focus on getting a prototype up and running fast, without the mess of standard no-code tools.

Ready for Translation
Ready to translate and localize all over the world. Our library of vetted questions are already translated into 5 languages, including Spanish.

Assembly-line process
We made automating a legacy court form easy and step-by-step. Spread out the work load and leverage volunteers to help close the access to justice gap.

Deliver straight to a court
Integrate forms directly with Tyler Technologies EFMs and courts in Louisiana, without paying an EFSP middleman.