FieldType Objectsβ
class FieldType(Enum)
Text input Field
Text input Field, but an area
allows multiple selection
allows only one selection
FormField Objectsβ
class FormField()
A data holding class, used to easily specify how a PDF form field should be created.
- the x position of the lower left corner of the field. Should be in X,Y coordinates, where (0, 0) is the lower left of the page, x goes to the right, and units are in points (1/72th of an inch)y
- the y position of the lower left corner of the field. Should be in X,Y coordinates, where (0, 0) is the lower left of the page, y goes up, and units are in points (1/72th of an inch)config
- a dictionary containing any keyword argument to the reportlab field functions, which will vary depending on what type of field this is. See section 4.7 of the reportlab User Guidefield_name
- the name of the field, exposed to via most APIs. Not the tooltip, butusers1_name__0
Adds fields per page to the in_file PDF, writing the new PDF to a new file.
Example usage:
set_fields('no_fields.pdf', 'four_fields_on_second_page.pdf',
[], # nothing on the first page
[ # Second page
FormField('new_field', 'text', 110, 105, configs=\{'width': 200, 'height': 30\}),
# Choice needs value to be one of the possible options, and options to be a list of strings or tuples
FormField('new_choices', 'choice', 110, 400, configs=\{'value': 'Option 1', 'options': ['Option 1', 'Option 2']\}),
# Radios need to have the same name, with different values
FormField('new_radio1', 'radio', 110, 600, configs=\{'value': 'option a'\}),
FormField('new_radio1', 'radio', 110, 500, configs=\{'value': 'option b'\})
- the input file name or path of a PDF that we're adding the fields toout_file
- the output file name or path where the new version of in_file will be written. Doesn't need to exist.fields_per_page
- for each page, a series of fields that should be added to that page.owerwrite
- if the input file already some fields (AcroForm fields specifically) and this value is true, it will erase those existing fields and just addfields_per_page
. If not true and the input file has fields, this won't generate a PDF, since there isn't currently a way to merge AcroForm fields from different PDFs.
Given a dictionary that maps old to new field names, rename the AcroForm field with a matching key to the specified value.
rename_pdf_fields('current.pdf', 'new_field_names.pdf',
\{'abc123': 'user1_name', 'abc124', 'user1_address_city'\})
in_file: the filename of an input file
out_file: the filename of the output file. Doesn't need to exist,
will be overwritten if it does exist.
mapping: the python dict that maps from a current field name to the desired name
#### unlock\_pdf\_in\_place
Try using pikePDF to unlock the PDF it it is locked. This won't work if it has a non-zero length password.
#### has\_fields
Check if a PDF has at least one form field using PikePDF.
- `pdf_file` _str_ - The path to the PDF file.
- `bool` - True if the PDF has at least one form field, False otherwise.
#### get\_existing\_pdf\_fields
Use PikePDF to get fields from the PDF
#### swap\_pdf\_page
(DEPRECATED: use copy_pdf_fields) Copies the AcroForm fields from one PDF to another blank PDF form. Optionally, choose a starting page for both
the source and destination PDFs. By default, it will remove any existing annotations (which include form fields)
in the destination PDF. If you wish to append annotations instead, specify `append_fields = True`
#### copy\_pdf\_fields
Copies the AcroForm fields from one PDF to another blank PDF form (without AcroForm fields).
Useful for getting started with an updated PDF form, where the old fields are pretty close to where
they should go on the new document.
Optionally, you can choose a starting page for both
the source and destination PDFs. By default, it will remove any existing annotations (which include form fields)
in the destination PDF. If you wish to append annotations instead, specify `append_fields = True`
new_pdf_with_fields = copy_pdf_fields(
- a file name or path to a PDF that has AcroForm fieldsdestination_pdf
- a file name or path to a PDF without AcroForm fields. Existing fields will be removed.source_offset
- the starting page that fields will be copied from. Defaults to 0.destination_offset
- the starting page that fields will be copied to. Defaults to 0.append_annotations
- controls whether formfyxer will try to append form fields instead of overwriting. Defaults to false; when enabled may lead to undefined behavior.
A pikepdf.Pdf object with new fields. If blank_pdf
was a pikepdf.Pdf object, the
same object is returned.
Gets all of the text boxes found by pdfminer in a PDF, as well as their bounding boxes
Gets all of the bracket characters ('[' and ']') found by pdfminer in a PDF, as well as their bounding boxes TODO: Will eventually be used to find [ ] as checkboxes, but right now we can't tell the difference between [ ] and [i]. This simply gets all of the brackets, and the characters of [hi] in a PDF and [ ] are the exact same distance apart. Currently going with just "[hi]" doesn't happen, let's hope that assumption holds.
bboxes are [left edge, bottom edge, horizontal length, vertical length]
Returns an iterable of booleans, one of each of the input bboxes, true if it collides with bbox_a
Given two bounding boxes, return a single bounding box that contains both of them.
returns the distance squared between two points. Faster than the true euclidean dist
euclidean (L^2 norm) distance between two points
point list is always ordered clockwise from the bottom left, i.e. bottom left, top left, top right, bottom right
Gets our specific "distance measure" between two different bounding boxes. This distance is roughly the sum of the horizontal and vertical difference in alignment of the closest shared field-bounding box edge. We are trying to find which, given a list of text boxes around a field, is the most likely to be the actual text label for the PDF field.
bboxes are 4 floats, x, y, width and height
Given an input PDF, runs a series of heuristics to predict where there might be places for user enterable information (i.e. PDF fields), and returns those predictions.
fields = get_possible_fields('no_field.pdf')
# Type: FieldType.TEXT, Name: name, User name: , X: 67.68, Y: 666.0, Configs: \{'fieldFlags': 'doNotScroll', 'width': 239.4, 'height': 16\}
- the input PDFtextboxes
optional - the location of various lines of text in the PDF. If not given, will be calculated automatically. This allows us to pass through expensive info to calculate through several functions.
For each page in the input PDF, a list of predicted form fields
Uses boxdetect library to determine if there are checkboxes on an image of a PDF page. Assumes the checkbox is square.
find_small: if true, finds smaller checkboxes. Sometimes will "find" a checkbox in letters, like O and D, if the font is too small
Even though it's called "radios", it just gets things shaped like circles, not doing any semantic analysis yet.
Uses openCV to attempt to find places where a PDF could expect an input text field.
Caveats so far: only considers straight, normal horizonal lines that don't touch any vertical lines as fields Won't find field inputs as boxes
default_line_height: the default height (16 pt), in pixels (at 200 dpi), which is 45
Uses get_possible_fields and set_fields to automatically add new detected fields to an input PDF.
auto_add_fields('no_fields.pdf', 'newly_added_fields.pdf')
- the input file name or path of the PDF where we'll try to find possible fieldsout_pdf_file
- the output file name or path of the PDF where a new version ofin_pdf_file
will be stored, with the new fields. Doesn't need to existing, but if a file does exist at that filename, it will be overwritten.
Determines if the input PDF file is tagged for accessibility.
Union[str, Path] - The path to the PDF file, as a string or a Path object.
- True if the PDF is tagged, False otherwise.