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Special variables for Document Assembly Line interviews

Server-wide configuration options

These are settings that can be configured by editing the global server configuration. They are not configurable on a per-interview basis.

Enable or disable answer sets

Add the following entry in your global config.yml to turn on the Answer Set feature that allows users to save answers for reuse in other interviews.

assembly line:
enable answer sets: True
enable answer set imports: True

The enable answer set imports feature separately controls whether users can import answers from a JSON file that is uploaded to the server. While this allows user control over their data and can be especially helpful for tests, this feature carries some risk and is disabled by default.

Use the AssemblyLine interview list replacement

The AssemblyLine framework includes a replacement for Docassemble's "stock" list of in-progress interviews. It has the following improvements:

  1. It is significantly faster to load
  2. Results are sorted so the most recent interview is on top
  3. It displays answer sets on their own tab
  4. It hides the "tag" feature
  5. It includes a "start new form" button

If the information is available, the replacement interview list feature can also show a percent complete for each interview in the list.

If you would like to use the AssemblyLine interview list instead of Docassemble's stock list, edit your configuration to add the following line:

session list interview: docassemble.AssemblyLine:data/questions/interview_list.yml

Customize the interface of the interview list replacement

If you like, you can customize the appearance of the interview list page by editing your global configuration.

Here is a complete list of the settings you can customize:

  app homepage: # link you visit when you click on the logo
assembly line:
enable answer sets: True
interview list:
page title: In progress forms # Title of the tab in your browser
page question: In progress forms # Title in the "question" area of the page
page subquestion: null # custom text below the "question" area
new form label: Start a new form # button label to start a new interview
new form url: # link that button will visit
logo url: null # Defaults to `app homepage`
logo image url: # needs to be the URL to an image, but it can be a relative one, like /packagestatic/...
logo image alt: Logo
answer sets title: Answer sets
logo title row 1: null # Defaults to same value as `page title`
logo title row 2: null # Defaults to same value as `page heading`
exclude from interview list:
- docassemble.AssemblyLine:data/questions/al_saved_sessions_store.yml
- docassemble.AssemblyLine:data/questions/interview_list.yml

To use this in your global configuration, you should skip anything you do not want to configure.

If you would prefer, you can make a copy of the interview_list.yml file, override each of these variables as needed, and point to your custom copy instead.

Enhance the custom interview list feature

If you use the custom interview list feature and you would like to have all of your interviews:

  1. Save a descriptive name to the database, and
  2. Save their progress to the database

So that both a name like "Smith v. Jones" and a progress like "50%" can be displayed on the interview list page, add the following entry to the global configuration's assembly line directive:

assembly line:
update session metadata: True

This option is enabled by default in Assembly Line 2.25.0 and higher, and disabled by default in older versions.

Filter the sessions that appear in the session list

If you want to exclude some interviews from ever appearing in the session list, you can add them to a list in the configuration's assembly line directive like this:

assembly line:
interview list:
exclude from interview list:
- docassemble.MyAdministrativeInterview:menu.yml

Edit the assembly line directive in the global configuration to look like this:

assembly line:
interview list:
new form url:

Use a more performant OCR engine with ALExhibitDocuments

Edit the assembly line directive in the global configuration to look like this:

assembly line:
ocr engine: ocrmypdf

You must have ocrmypdf installed on your server.

Organization-level configuration options

These variables are recommended to be set in a package that all of your interviews include. Usually, they are the same for all interviews created by one organization or for one jurisdiction.

They can be set in a code block like this:

code: |
SOME_OPTION = "some value"

Docassemble will use the code block that is "latest" (closest to the bottom) of your main interview file. This way, you can include a default in a global file and then override it as needed in an individual interview.


Used to set the organization title (which appears above the form title) in the navigation bar.

By default, this variable is set to the value of appname in the system-wide configuration.

code: |


Used to set the exit url and the url that you will be taken to if you click the title in the navigation bar.

Used to set a small icon (ideally 40px high, max) that will be displayed next to the form title and brand name in the navigation bar.


- al_logo: DAStaticFile.using(filename="lit_logo_light.png")

If your logo is taller than 40px, you can add a CSS rule to limit the maximum height, like this:

.al-logo img {
max-height: 40px;

Add this to a CSS file in your data/static folder that you then include in your interviews directly or via a shared YAML file.

Localization and translation variables

  • AL_DEFAULT_COUNTRY: ISO 3166 2 letter code representing the default country of the interview user for address questions. E.g., US for United States of America, UK for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  • AL_DEFAULT_STATE: ISO 3166-2 (usually 2 or 3 letter) code representing the abbreviation for the state, territory, or sublocality, used in address questions
  • AL_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: ISO 639-1 2 letter code (or alternative, such as ISO-639-3) that matches a language for which you have either a words.yml translation file, a translation XLSX or XLIFF file, or both and is mentioned in a language block in your interview. Used to specify the default language of your interview.

Terms of use specific variables

These appear only in the inline terms of use added in Assembly Line version 2.25.0.

  • server administrator contact address: Contact information for the terms of use. Defaults to the global config server administrator email if not defined. It can be defined in the global configuration as a "top level" configuration option.
  • default title: Name of the organization that hosts your site. Defaults to AL_ORGANIZATION_TITLE if default title was not set to a custom value in the global configuration.
  • The governing jurisdiction for the terms of use of your site defaults to the name of AL_DEFAULT_STATE or the name of AL_DEFAULT_COUNTRY if AL_DEFAULT_STATE is not defined. There is no corresponding global configuration variable.

Interview-specific options


interview_metadata is a DADict. Each key in interview_metadata is itself a DADict and should be used for a specific interview. This allows you to combine interviews into one "umbrella" interview and still look up information that applies to just one interview. E.g., one "child" interview might be available in English and Spanish, and a second only in English.

Because the "umbrella" pattern is not widely used on CourtFormsOnline, this block is not widely used at runtime. It is essentially optional although it is produced in all interviews that are run through the Weaver. It is most useful as a record of what the author intended when the form was run through the Weaver, and is also available for you to make use of in more complex "umbrella" interviews of your own. Keep in mind that you may need to make an upstream fix to an interview to fix the interview_metadata because it is not likely the upstream author kept this up to date with later changes to the interview.


interview_metadata['my_interview']['al_weaver_version'] = "0.82.1"
interview_metadata['interview_i_included_in_this_umbrella_file']['al_weaver_version'] = "1.6.11"

Common keys:

al_weaver_versiondocuments the version of the Weaver the form was created with0.82
generated ondocuments the date the interview was created with the Weaver2021-05-28
titleThe title of the form209a 258e motion for impoundment
short titleA shorter version of the title, appropriate for smaller windowsImpoundment motion
descriptionNarrative descriptionUse this motion for impoundment in a 209A or 258E restraining order case when you need to keep information on the form private.
original_formLink to the original PDF/DOCX form, unfilled (not commonly used)
allowed courtsA list of the courts the case may be filed in. Mostly relevant in Massachusetts; doesn't make sense in other states.["Superior Court", "Probate and Family"]
categoriesTaxonomy classifiers that explain the type of form this is (usually from the LIST taxonomy at["BE-04-00-00-00"]
logic block variableName of the interview order blocka_258e_motion_for_impoundment
attachment block variableName of the attachment block variablea_258e_motion_for_impoundment_attachment
typical roleCommon role that the form user has in the caseplaintiff

Some of these values are checked for emailed and e-filed pleadings.


Used to control the text displayed in an input box when text is too long to fit on a PDF. The default is ... if not specified.

addresses_to_search should contain a list of Address or ALAddress objects that will be used to locate the correct court for the user to file in.

By default, this will be a list of the addresses of each member of the users list.


al_intro_screen should be a continue button field on your organization's standard intro screen. We use this screen to help orient people who arrive at the interview directly from a deep link and to briefly explain what is.


This is mostly relevant in Massachusetts. It should be a list of the names of the Trial Court departments that accept this kind of pleading. It is used to display the list of courts in interviews that use the court question contained in the docassemble.MassAccess package.


code: |
allowed_courts = [
"Housing Court",
"Superior Court"

Massachusetts has a unified court system, with jurisdiction depending on the court department. In other states, there may be a single court per county of general jurisdiction, with adhoc assignment of case types to different branches of the court in that county. Because of this, it's not likely that filtering courts this way makes sense in other states.


This variable controls whether a third, "Sign after I print" option appears when the user reaches a signature screen. If this variable is set to True, the only options the user will see are "Sign on a phone with my finger" and "Sign on this computer with my mouse".

code: |
al_form_requires_digital_signature = False


al_form_type is used to control some dynamic questions to give more specific help information and to give some variables, like user_started_case, a smart default.

Valid values:

  • Starts a new court case: 'starts_case'. This will set user_started_case to True.
  • Filed in or responding to an existing court case: 'existing_case'
  • Part of an appeal of a court case: 'appeal'
  • Form that is not filed in a court: 'other_form'
  • Letter: 'letter'
  • Other: 'other'


Set this value to the name of the interview's GitHub repository, without the owner name.

This variable is used to make the about page display the correct "last modified" date and to let the GithubFeedbackForm add an issue to the correct repository when someone wants to provide feedback.

If you leave this value blank, AssemblyLine will guess the value from your installed package's name. However, it cannot guess the value when you run the package from the playground. It is best to define it explicitly.

For example, if the URL to your package is, then the value of github_repo_name should be defined like this:

code: |
github_repo_name = "docassemble-AssemblyLine"


Set this value to the name of the GitHub organization or user that owns the interview's repository to make sure that feedback and the about page point to the right place.

For example, if the URL to your package is, then the value of github_user should be defined like this:

code: |
github_user = "suffolklitlab"

If all of your packages are kept in a single GitHub organization, you might choose to define this value on an organization-wide basis by placing it in a shared YAML file, such as the YAML that defines your theme or other branding elements.

Run-time options

These options are ones that you can sometimes configure when you author the interview, but they can also depend on questions that are asked during the course of the interview.

al_user_bundle and al_court_bundle

If your interview will be electronically filed or email filed, it should also define 2 ALDocumentBundle objects: al_user_bundle and al_court_bundle.

Use these exact names for the bundles, which are also created for you by the Weaver. The e-filing code expects to see the al_court_bundle object defined. The al_user_bundle object is used on error handling screens.


signature_fields should be a list with the name of each signature field that you want the interview to trigger in the signature flow as a string.

You can use a code block to define this in a way that reflects the user's choices.


code: |
if has_attorney:
signature_fields = ["users[0].signature", "attorneys[0].signature"]
signature_fields = ["users[0].signature"]


trial_court should be an MACourt or ALCourt object representing the court that the user has chosen to file the case in. This may be used in some automatically gathered statistics as well as in e-filing code.


Several questions depend on the value of user_ask_role directly to address the user correctly as either the party initiating or responding to a case.

user_ask_role should be exactly one of "plaintiff" or "defendant". Use "plaintiff" when you mean "petitioner", and use "defendant" even if you mean "respondent". This is just the internal shorthand for starting or responding to the case.

The Weaver will set user_ask_role directly if it can be, otherwise, it will be asked to the user.


user_role is set by set in a code block directly in interviews, or set by user_ask_role. It serves the same purpose as user_ask_role. However to simplify interviews, we suggest you use user_ask_role instead.


user_started_case is not intended to be defined directly. It is created based on the value of al_form_type and if that doesn't provide enough information, the value of user_ask_role is checked.

It is then used to make the question about other_parties dynamic.

users and other_parties

The variables users and other_parties can be used directly in your template, but they also have a special meaning in Assembly Line interviews.

The variable users should always contain the name of the party who the form is for. Do not use it to store the name of an advocate or attorney, unless the advocate or attorney is filing something on their own behalf, like an appearance.

The variable other_parties is reserved to represent the name of the opposing party in the lawsuit. Not all forms contain a second party, so this variable is optional.

The Assembly Line runtime packages will assign the value of users or other_parties to plaintiffs, petitioners, defendants, and respondents dynamically.

See also