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"Safe" coding

Use Docassemble lists, dictionaries, and sets, or subclasses​

Docassemble relies heavily on exceptions for its declarative logic system. Those work better with the DAObject class and classes that inherit from it. Docassemble's DAObject class adds an intrinsicName attribute to every object that helps Docassemble track down a question that is able to define a variable.

Where you make uses of lists, dictionaries, or sets, you should default to using either a DAList, DADict, or DASet, or a class that inherits from one of those classes.

Look before you leap​

Check for existence if an attribute or object may not be defined:

  1. use hasattr to check if an optional attribute is defined

  2. use defined() (sparingly) to check if an object or variable has been defined (note there are significant performance implications with defined() so it should be used carefully)

  3. use .get() with all dictionary lookups. Include a default value of the correct type, especially for nested lookups in API results. e.g.:

    # NOT
    # my_dict['key1']['key2']
  4. check list length before using a list index, or if you are using a DAList, use the .item() method.

  5. Use the next(iter(some_list), default_value) pattern when trying to gather the first item in a list that may be empty.

Use skip undefined on attachment blocks​

When assembling documents, use the skip undefined modifier in production. skip undefined should be used carefully as a safety measure, but not to replace spelled-out logic in your interview. It leaves undefined fields blank rather than triggering an exception.

When you use skip undefined it is important that you trigger all required variables in your interview order block.

Use Python 3.8's f strings when composing strings​

A common runtime bug is attempting to concatenate a string with a non-string value, such as None.

You can easily avoid these runtime errors by casting values to str explicitly. The most elegant current solution is to use f strings.


some_new_string = f"I like {fruit} the best"
# some_new_string = "I like" + fruit + " the best"

In addition to handling converting the value fruit to string, the f string example is often clearer and easier to read, with less punctuation.

Convert types or use more abstract interfaces​

Does your function return a list, a set, or a tuple? Be careful when working with collections that you know which data structure you are using.

When you create a function that accepts a list, you may want to explicitly convert to a list before working with it in case a developer passes in a set.

Check for None​

It is common for Python functions to return None in certain error conditions. Make sure that you handle that possibility.

Handle API error states​

When working with APIs, be careful to handle possible failures. Decide what the failure state should be for your end user. Ordinarily, API integrations in Docassemble are for convenience and your user should be able to continue in some fashion. You should never drop down to a Docassemble error screen when an external dependency fails or is unavailable.

Further reading and sources​