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Get the path to the local languages.yml file. If it does not exist, it will return the path to the languages.yml


  • str - the path to the local languages.yml file if it exists, otherwise the path to the languages.yml file


Returns a list of tuples representing the language name, followed by language ISO 639-1 code.

It will use the native_name value from the languages.yml file if available, otherwise it will use the English name from pycountry. If neither is present, it will use the language code itself.


  • lang_codes - a list of ISO 639-1 language codes (e.g. ['en', 'es'])
  • languages_path - the path to the languages.yml file (defaults to data/sources/languages.yml)


A list of tuples representing the language name, followed by language ISO 639-1 code.


Get a Bootstrap 5 dropdown menu for language selection that can be added to navigation bar.


  • lang_codes - a list of ISO 639-1 language codes (e.g. ['en', 'es'])
  • current - the current language code
  • languages_path - the path to the languages.yml file (defaults to data/sources/languages.yml)
  • event_name - the name of the event to trigger when the language is changed
  • icon - the name of the icon to use for the dropdown menu (defaults to fa-solid fa-language fa-xl)
  • extra_class - additional classes to add to the link


A string containing the HTML for a dropdown menu for language selection.


Given an ordered tuple, returns a link to the current interview with lang=language code and the link title given in the first part of the tuple.


  • language - a tuple containing the language name and language code
  • link - whether to return a link or just the text
  • event_name - the name of the event to trigger when the language is changed


  • str - A string containing the HTML for a dropdown menu item for language selection.


Given a list of language codes, returns a Bootstrap-formatted unordered inline list. The current language will not be a link.

Deprecated behavior: instead of a list of language codes, you can provide list of tuples containing the language name and language code. This is deprecated and may be removed in a future version.


  • languages - a list of tuples containing the language name and language code (deprecated)
  • current - the current language code
  • lang_codes - a list of ISO 639-1 language codes (e.g. ['en', 'es'])
  • languages_path - the path to the languages.yml file (defaults to data/sources/languages.yml)
  • event_name - the name of the event to trigger when the language is changed


A string containing the HTML for an unordered inline list of language selection.


Given an ordered tuple, returns a link to the current interview with lang=language code and the link title given in the first part of the tuple.


  • language - a tuple containing the language name and language code
  • link - whether to return a link or just the text
  • event_name - the name of the event to trigger when the language is changed


  • str - A string containing the HTML for an unordered inline list item for language selection.