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Functions that help convert the JSON-ized XML from the proxy server into usable information.


Copied from docassemble.webapp.server.error_notification, since:

  1. things from webapp.* are unstable
  2. it breaks the unit tests and the mypy

Some slight modifications to work without server backends


Similar to docassemble.webapp.server.error_notification, which will send an email to the error_notification_email in the config.


Converts a court type to the specific id string expected by Tyler.

A fairly ad-hoc function; it will check if the object has several attributes ("tyler_court_code", "tyler_code", or "name"), or if it's already a string, it tries to just make a lower case on the string. We strongly recommend that your court object use the "tyler_court_code" attribute though.


  • trial_court - the court object


the string that should be the Tyler EFM court id, i.e. adams or peoria:cr


Takes the responses from the 'codes' service and make a DA ready list of choices and a map back to the full code object


  • codes_list - should be the direct response from a 'codes' service, i.e. proxy_conn.get_case_categories(court_id).data
  • display - a python format string, where the input variables are the keys of the individual code elements. By default, it's "{name}", but could be something else like "{name} ({code})"
  • backing - the key to each dict element in the codes_list that you want to use as the "canonical" representation of the code, i.e. each is unique, and there aren't conflicts


a tuple; first, a list of the codes that can be used at the choices in a docassemble field, second, a map of each code, from the backing key to the full code element. Useful for getting all of the information about a code after a user has selected it.


Given an arbitrarily nested JSON structure, print it nicely as markdown. Recursive, for subsequent calls tab_depth increases.


  • data - the JSON structure (python dicts, lists, strings and ints) to print
  • tab_depth - how many spaces to add before each new line, to make the markdown correct
  • skip_xml - this function is mostly for printing responses from the EfileProxyServer, which lazily returns XML as JSON. If this is true, we won't show the useless XML cruft
  • item_name - when recursing, will show the parent's name when showing elements in a list


The string of markdown text that displays info about the given JSON structure


Returns a string with either the error of the response, or it's data run through pretty_display


Takes an jsonized-XML object of "{\}ActivityDate, returns the datetime it repsents.


Given a timestamp in milliseconds from epoch (in UTC), make a datetime from it


Return a function that validates a given input with the provided regex, suitable for use with Docassemble's validate: question modifier


We'll take both Tyler service contact lists and Niem service contact lists. Tyler's are just `{"firstName": "Bob", "middleName": "P", ..., "serviceContactId": "abcrunh-13..." Niem's are more complicated


Given sparse information about a case, gets the full details about it


  • proxy_conn - the connection to the EFileProxyServer
  • new_case - the object to hold all of the information about the case
  • entry - the information we have about the case, usually from a call to get_cases
  • court_id - the id of the court that we searched in to get this info
  • fetch - if true, will fetch more detailed information about the case, include the case title
  • roles - a dictionary of the party type codes to the party type name. Used so we can filter and sort participants later


Fills in these attributes with the full case details:

  • attorneys
  • party_to_attorneys
  • case_details_worked
  • case_details
  • case_type
  • title
  • date
  • participants


Gets a list of all payment accounts and filters them by if the card is accepted at a particular court.



  • allowable_card_types - a list of the accepted card types at a court, usually from the 'allowablecardtypes' dict entry in get_full_court_info's response


the list of payment account choices that are valid for a particular court


Returns all payment accounts as choices, without filters.


Converts a raw case information from proxy_conn.get_filing_list() into a key-value pair, where the key is the filing id and the value is the user-facing label for that filing.


Gets whether or not the user of this interview is a Tyler Admin, and a 'global' admin. The global admin means that they are allowed to change specific Global payment methods, and can be listed under the 'global server admins' section of the 'efile proxy' settings in the DAConfig