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E-filing through Docassemble

This is a guide to get from a working Assembly Line Interview to an interview that can e-file through our EFSP to the Tyler EFM system.


This e-filing functionality is being updated often, so this documentation might be out of date. If anything is incorrect or doesn't work as expected, feel free to email us at

This example interview will be simple; it will make an initial filing into a new case. While our API is flexible enough to let you add capabilities and features to your interview, it's also complex, and some of that complexity will need to be embedded into your interview.

Before starting

Before starting this guide, you should have:

  • a working docassemble interview, preferably using the AssemblyLine.
  • contacted us for access to the EFSP server. We aren't yet making access publicly available, but will include an interest form here when we do.


Server Setup

To start, you'll need to setup the server.

First, install the docassemble.EFSPIntegration package on your server in docassemble's Package Management menu.

Then, set your docassemble server's configuration. In the configuration file, add the below section, replacing each value on the right with the information that we provide to you.

efile proxy:
api key: abcDEFghiJKL123456789
jeffnet api token: ABCDEF123 # only required if your interview operates is Louisiana
global waiver: 123a4567-b89c-1234-abcd-123456789000
global server admins:

Including the EFSP Library

Start by making a blank YAML file in a playground project.

Next, add our EFSP library to your interview, as well as the AssemblyLine library (so we can use the ALDocument class).

- docassemble.AssemblyLine:assembly_line.yml
- docassemble.EFSPIntegration:efiling_integration.yml
- docassemble.EFSPIntegration:login_qs.yml
- docassemble.EFSPIntegration:codes_helper.yml

Next, create a connection to our EFSP server. This allows your interview to communicate with our EFSP server.

code: |
proxy_conn = ProxyConnection(credentials_code_block='tyler_login', default_jurisdiction='illinois')

The credentials_code_block is a YAML code block that triggers asking the user questions to login to the Tyler system. We provide a code block that additionally handles password resets and incorrect logins. It defines tyler_login at the end, which is why we pass tyler_login to the connection object. If you want to have different login screens, you can define your own code block, as long as it sets the trigger variable to True only if proxy_conn.authenticate_user(...).is_ok()..

The default_jurisdiction is the jurisdiction that you are filing in. Currently, we only support illinois, and louisiana (with massachusetts coming soon).

Get the information needed to file

As mentioned previously, this interview will create a new case with the court, aka an initial filing. To keep it simple, the interview will only file one type of case; this lets us hardcode a few pieces of information in our interview.

We'll first need to find the right "codes" for our interview. Tyler's E-filing system defines specific codes for many different parts of the filing process, include the over-arching category of the case, the more specific case type, and even things like whether or not the filed document should be confidential or not.

To find the right codes, navigate through the URLs provided by visiting Firefox will display clickable links that you can use to browse the different codes.

For example, say we want to write an Adoption interview. The codes in Illinois are split by courts, so to see the case categories available to one particular court, say Adams, we can go to, and scroll through the responses until we find the "Adoption" entry, code 7306. We would then see the case types for Adoption cases in adams at, which is 25361.

The endpoints should say when they need parameters, like we provided with category_id=7306&timing=Initial above.

We are currently working on a better interface for finding and handling these codes at runtime based on our experiences in Illinois and Massachusetts. Stay tuned.

For this guide, we'll stick with a single court, to make things simple to understand. We'll use the following codes:

variable namepurposeexample valueexample meaning
efile_case_categorythe over arching category of the case"7306"Adoption
efile_case_typethe specific type of case"25361"Adoption
efile_case_subtypeoptional, if there needs to be more specific case typesN/AN/A
party_typewhat the role of an individual or party is in the case"7067" or "20640"Adoptive parent or child
filing_typewhat the filing actually is, usually the name of the document"29730"Application
document_typeIf the document is confidential or not"5766"Non-confidential
filing_componentIf this is the lead document or if it's an attachment"332"Lead document

Give all of the info that the EFSP needs to file your doc

Now that we have all of the codes that we want, we need to define the right variables, setting their values to the codes we found above.

Your interview must define the list of ALIndividual, users and other_parties. Each individual should have at least a first name. Note that if only a first name is provided, then the person is assumed to be a business. users[0] is almost always the person completing the interview, or at least who the form is being completed on behalf of.

For each object in users and in other_parties, your interview needs to define the following attributes:

  • party_type: this should be the Tyler party type code of that user
  • is_new: if you are filing into an existing case and are adding additional participants to the case, this should be true. They aren't necessary since this interview is making an initial case (where all parties are implicitly new).
  • users[0].email must be defined. Email is not required for any other parties.
code: |
trial_court = 'adams`
efile_case_category = '7306'
efile_case_type= '25361'
code: |
if i == 0:
users[i].party_type = '7067' # adoptive parent
users[i].completed = True
code: |
other_parties[i].party_type = '20640' # adoptive child
other_parties[i].completed = True

The following variables must also be defined:

  • user_started_case: an Assembly Line variable determining if the users are plaintiffs/petitioners.
  • lead_contact: this is the person who will be contacted about the status of this filing, and can just be set to users[0].
  • tyler_payment_id: This is the payment information that Tyler needs to collect payment for the filing. It is the string of the payment method ID. We'll deal more with this in the advanced guide (coming soon), but for now, we'll assume that the filer qualifies for a fee waiver, and can use the global waiver payment account, "global" meaning that any filer can use when filing. You can get this waiver payment account from the config: get_config('efile proxy', {}).get('global waiver', '').
  • al_court_bundle should be an ALDocumentBundle, containing all of the documents that you want to file. Each top level ALDocument or ALDocumentBundle in al_court_bundle will be treated as a separate filing, and each filing needs the following attributes:
    • filing_component and filing_type
    • filename: this will be defined by default when declaring the ALDocument
    • filing_parties: these are the parties that are initiating the filing. When the party that's filing is also being added in that filing, the value is the instanceName of docassemble var representing that individual. Usually this will be "users[0]".
    • filing_action: for us, this will be "efile"
code: |
main_document.document_type = '5766'
main_document.filing_component = '332'
main_document.filing_type = '29730'
main_document.filing_parties = ['users[0]']
main_document.filing_action = 'efile'
main_document.completed = True

Interview Logic and Question Screens

Now that all of the information is defined, we just need to specify the interview order logic. Notably, you can use the variable can_check_efile to ask the user if they want to e-file their documents, or if they'd rather print them out themselves. You can then define the variables ready_to_efile and efile to trigger actual document to e-file.

mandatory: True
id: main interview order block
code: |
user_ask_role = 'plaintiff'
if can_check_efile:
lead_contact = users[0]
tyler_payment_id = get_config('efile proxy', {}).get('global waiver', '')
cannot_efile # triggers the kickout event screen

The full minimal interview file can be found in the EFSPIntegration github.