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al_document: Python Classes to simplify working with multiple templates


The ALDocument class was created to solve these problems in Docassemble interviews:

  1. handling apps that can assemble multiple forms, with the final list of forms depending on the answers that the user gives
  2. handling a way to display a "preview" and "final" version of a document with and without a signature (to allow the user to confirm information before signing)
  3. handling text in PDF templates that doesn't fit and needs to be sent to an addendum

This collection of classes has some other nice benefits:

  1. a compact, neat and easily customizable list of downloads at the end, with both view and download buttons
  2. a more customizable email-sending input than the stock Docassemble input that can be displayed on the final screen
  3. always-fresh documents that will be updated when the user changes or edits a response
  4. a helper class and model questions to allow the user to upload evidence, including generating a table of contents and adding exhibit cover pages
  5. helper classes to include not just templates but static documents and tables in XLSX format as download options

The primary classes that developers interact with are the ALDocument class, which represents a template that is filled in with the user's answers during the course of the interview, and the ALDocumentBundle class, which provides a way to group documents together to be emailed, downloaded, or delivered to a court or opposing party.

ALDocumentBundle objects can be nested to allow you to group multiple individual template files into one document that the user can download.

Both ALDocument and ALDocumentBundle objects can be either enabled or not. The Docassemble interview will seek logic that defines when the document should be included in the final output, letting you easily create interviews that have contingent documents.

ALDocument class

An ALDocument is a DADict that has top level attributes and points to one or more Docassemble attachment blocks.

There are usually exactly two keys in the dictionary: preview and final, with the only difference being the presence or absence of a signature. Conditional logic inside the template or attachment block can be used to show or hide the signature depending on the value of the key so that the template does not need to be created twice.

The signature_if_final method of an ALIndividual was created to simplify this common use case.

Here's how to use an ALDocument:

  1. Create ALDocument objects in an objects block.
  2. Set any required attributes, like enabled, in the object block or in a separate code block. If you set enabled=True in the object block, your document will always be enabled.
  3. Define the key of the ALDocument in an attachment block using the variable name modifier. Usually, use one attachment block and define the variable name like this: variable name: some_al_document[i].
  4. Optionally, reference the ALDocument inside an ALDocumentBundle.


- letter: ALDocument.using(title="Letter to Social Security", filename="ssa_letter", enabled=True, has_addendum=False)
- pdf template file: ssa_letter.pdf
variable name: letter[i]
- "users1_name": ${ users[0] }
- "users1_signature": ${ users[0].signature_if_final(i) }

Enabled Example

If other variables in your interview determine if your document is enabled, you should define the enabled attribute in a code block, like this:

- main_document: ALDocument.using(title="Letter to Social Security", filename="main_document", enabled=True, has_addendum=False)
- insurance_rider: ALDocument.using(title="Letter to Social Security", filename="rider", has_addendum=False)
- pdf template file: main_document.pdf
variable name: main_document[i]
- "users1_name": ${ users[0] }
- "users1_signature": ${ users[0].signature_if_final(i) }
- pdf template file: rider.pdf
variable name: rider[i]
- "users1_name": ${ users[0] }
- "users1_signature": ${ users[0].signature_if_final(i) }
code: |
if total_cost > 1000:
insurance_rider.enabled = True
insurance_rider.enabled = False
# or more concise but slightly harder to read:
# insurance_rider.enabled = total_cost > 1000

In the example above, the insurance_rider document is only included in any bundles if the total cost of the project is over $1,000. Note that the enabled value is global for the interview session. If you want to use different logic in different bundles, you can easily create a separate ALDocument that references the same template file and attachment block.


  • filename: the display filename used for the document when it is downloaded
  • title: the title shown on the download screen
  • enabled: whether the document should be "turned on" when it is referenced in an ALDocumentBundle
  • addendum: points to a variable representing an attachment block with a formatted addendum. The Assembly Line provides a good default addendum template that is flexible enough to work with many fields.
  • overflow_fields: an ALAddendumFieldDict with each representing a field that has potential to be sent to the addendum if exceeds a pre-set length.
  • has_addendum: set this to True or False to control whether the overflow_fields dictionary will be checked to decide whether or not to generate an addendum file. Optional; defaults to False.


  • as_pdf(key:str='final', refresh:bool=True): returns a PDF version of the completed template and any addendum. key is normally preview or final
  • as_docx(key:str='final', refresh:bool=True): returns a DOCX version of the completed template and any addendum if the original is a DOCX template. key is normally preview or final.
  • as_list(key:str='final', refresh:bool=True): returns a 1 or 2 item list which contains the template and its addendum, if any.
  • need_addendum(): returns True if the addendum exists and there are overflow fields.
  • has_overflow(): returns True if there are fields that trigger the addendum.
  • overflow(): returns a list of just the fields that triggered the addendum.
  • safe_value(field_name:str, overflow_message:str=None, preserve_newlines:bool=False, input_width:int=80): returns the "safe" value of field_name (the amount that is less than overflow_trigger) plus an overflow message. Used in an attachment block.
  • overflow_value(field_name:str, overflow_message:str=None, preserve_newlines:bool=False, input_width:int=80): returns the "unsafe" value of field_name--the amount that exceeds the overflow_trigger. Potentially used inside an addendum document.

ALDocumentBundle class

An ALDocumentBundle is a DAList that provides developers a way to conveniently group documents and treat them as a single set, even if the exact list of documents might change depending on the user's answers.

Here's how to use an ALDocumentBundle:

  1. Create the ALDocumentBundle in an objects block.
  2. Add each ALDocument or nested ALDocumentBundle that your interview will sometimes produce to the bundle. Because the list is usually known in advance, it's common to include this in the object definition.
  3. Use the as_pdf() method on your preview screen to display a preview of the output without any signature.
  4. Use the download_list_html() and send_button_html() methods on your download screen.

You can have as many or as few bundles as you would like. The Assembly Line convention is to use the following two bundles:

  1. al_user_bundle which should include a next steps document with instructions for your user
  2. al_court_bundle which leaves out the instructions and should have every document that you want the clerk to receive

Stick with this convention if you expect to integrate with E-filing.


- al_user_bundle: ALDocumentBundle.using(title="Forms to download", filename="ssa_documents", elements=[ssa_next_steps, letter])
- al_court_bundle: ALDocumentBundle.using(title="Forms to download", filename="ssa_documents", elements=[letter])

You can nest ALDocumentBundles! Just create your bundle in a separate objects block and add it directly into the list of elements. This lets you create a document from multiple templates that you want the user to be able to open and print as one file.


  • enabled (optional): define this if the bundle is included inside another ALDocumentBundle. If other variables in your interview determine if it's enabled, you should define the attribute in a code block, like in this earlier example
  • title: this is displayed on the download screen
  • filename: used to construct the display filename for a pdf version of the bundle


  • as_pdf(key:str='final', refresh:bool=True) -> DAFile: return a single concatenated PDF of the bundle's attachments
  • as_zip(self, key:str = 'final', refresh:bool = True, title:str = '') -> DAFile: returns a compressed ZIP archive with separate documents for each item.
  • enabled_documents(self, refresh:bool=True) -> List[Any]: return a list of only the "enabled" documents in the bundle
  • as_flat_list(self, key:str='final', refresh:bool=True) -> List[DAFile]:
  • get_titles(self, key:str='final', refresh:bool=True) -> List[str]:
  • as_pdf_list(self, key:str='final', refresh:bool=True) -> List[DAFile]:
  • as_editable_list(self, key:str='final', refresh:bool=True) -> List[DAFile]:
  • download_list_html(self, key:str='final', format:str='pdf', view:bool=True refresh:bool=True, include_zip:bool = True, view_label="View", view_icon:str="eye", download_label:str="Download", download_icon:str="download", zip_label:str=None, zip_icon:str="file-archive") -> str: returns HTML for a table with download and view buttons, as for a download screen
  • send_button_html(self, key:str='final', show_editable_checkbox:bool = True)->str:
  • send_email(self, to:any=None, key:str='final', editable:bool=False, template:any=None, **kwargs) -> bool:

Example of a download screen that uses an ALDocumentBundle:

progress: 100
id: download
event: petition_to_change_name_of_adult_download
question: |
Your form is ready to download.
subquestion: |
Thank you ${ user_name_first_new }. Your form is ready to download and deliver.

View, download and send your form below. Click the "Make changes" button to fix any mistakes.

1. Download each of the documents below. Print at least two copies.
2. Call the ${ trial_court } at ${ bold( } to find out how
to deliver these forms. You can mail a copy to ${ trial_court.address.on_one_line() }.
3. Get a **certified** copy of your birth certificate from the town hall
where you were born.
4. File one of the copies with the court. Keep the other for your records.

${ action_button_html(url_action('review_petition_to_change_name_of_adult'), label='Make changes', color='info', icon='pencil-alt') }

${ action_button_html(al_user_bundle.as_pdf().url_for(), label="Download a copy as a single PDF", icon='download') }

${ al_user_bundle.download_list_html() }

${ al_user_bundle.send_button_html() }

Using the download_list_html() method

download_list_html(self, key:str='final', format:str='pdf', view:bool=True,
refresh:bool=True, include_zip:bool = True, view_label="View", view_icon:str="eye",
download_label:str="Download", download_icon:str="download", zip_label:str=None,
zip_icon:str="file-archive") -> str

The default download table displays a row with a title, a "view" button which allows opening a PDF in-browser, and a "download" button that allows downloading the PDF with one block. A row with a "Download as zip" button is also added by default if there is more than 1 document in the table.

These defaults can be customized quite a bit. In addition to the parameters listed below, the appearance can be controlled by editing CSS files. Take a look at the values in aldocument.css and customize to match your needs.

It is also not necessary to use the download_list_html() method. If you prefer, you can directly reference enabled_documents and create your own download table format.


  • key: either "final" or "preview"
  • format: either "pdf", "docx", or "original", used to control the file linked to the "download" button
  • view: display a button that links to a PDF version of the document, if possible
  • refresh: controls whether the file should be cached
  • include_zip: controls whether a "Download zip" button is added to a download list with more than 1 document
  • view_label: label used for the "View" button
  • view_icon: icon from fontawesome's "free" library
  • download_label: label used for the "Download" button
  • download_icon: icon from fontawesome's "free" library
  • zip_label: text used for the row with the "zip" button. If not provided, this will refer to the value of self.zip_label which should be defined in a Docassemble template block. This is to aid translation.
  • zip_icon: icon from fontawesome's "free" library

Example: customizing the text on the "zip_label" interview-wide:

generic object: ALDocumentBundle
template: x.zip_label
content: |
Download as one ZIP file

Using the send_button_html() method

  def send_button_html(self, key:str='final', show_editable_checkbox:bool = True, template_name: str = "")->str:

send_button_html() is used to display an HTML input that the user can interact with to send themselves a copy of the contents of a bundle.

send_button_html() has two parameters:

  • show_editable_checkbox controls whether a checkbox will be displayed that allows the user to toggle including the DOCX version of templates in the email that they receive.
  • template_name controls the actual contents of the email sent to the user. By default, the value of the send_email_template attribute of this ALDocumentBundle is used (see below). This parameter is useful if you want to have two emails for the same bundle.

All of the text shown to the user, on the screen or in the email, can be customized. Copy each YAML block below into your own interview to edit and customize the text. It can be edited interview-wide (shown) or on a per-bundle basis.

Customize the text "Get a copy of the documents in email":

generic object: ALDocumentBundle
template: x.get_email_copy
content: |
Get a copy of the documents in email

Customize the text "Include an editable copy":

generic object: ALDocumentBundle
template: x.include_editable_documents
content: |
Include an editable copy

Customize the text "Download zip":

generic object: ALDocumentBundle
template: x.zip_label
content: |
Download zip

The subject and contents of the email can also be customized:

generic object: ALDocumentBundle
template: x.send_email_template
subject: |
% if len(x) > 1:
Your ${ x.title } document is ready
% else:
Your "${ x.title }" documents are ready
% endif
content: |
Thank you for using our app!

Please find the document for ${ users } attached.

Working with overflow text, ALAddendumField and ALAddendumFieldDict

The ALDocument class has a special Addendum feature for working with fields that may not fit into a PDF. For example: the PDF may have room for 3 lines, but the user may have a longer story to tell.

Addenda can be used for both text fields and lists of items, such as children, where the original form may not allow enough room.

The default addendum file for an AssemblyLine interview uses a special attribute, label, to decide how to format the text in the addendum. It will put objects, such as people, that are in a list into a table in the output.


Each ALDocument has a dictionary attribute named overflow_fields. The dictionary will contain a complete list of each field in the document that may trigger the addendum. The length of each field will be evaluated to decide if the addendum needs to be generated, based on the user's answers in the interview. If there are no overflow_fields or each overflow_field is below the specified limit for that field, no addendum will be generated.

You can use the AssemblyLine's default addendum template, which works well for a court form, or you can supply your own template file to use for the addendum. Usually, the addendum will be a Word document so it can expand to fit all of the content.

Here is the basic process of using an addendum:

  1. set the has_addendum attribute of the ALDocument to True
  2. add an ALAddendumField object to the overflow_fields dictionary attribute of the ALDocument for each field that you want to handle in the addendum
  3. set the overflow_trigger attribute of the ALAddendumField to match the maximum number of characters or items that may appear in that field
  4. optionally, set the value of the label attribute of the ALAddendumField (this is used in the default addendum file)
  5. Also optionally, se the value of the headers attribute of the ALAddendumField (used to control the order of columns in the default addendum's table)
  6. optionally, specify the template file that you want to use for the addendum

Assumptions and changes to whitespace

The addendum code does not preserve whitespace; both repeated spaces and new lines will always be condensed.

Customizing the order of columns in the default addendum

By default, the addendum provided with the Assembly Line will display the column for every attribute of the object in a list. You may want to control both the order and the set of attributes that is displayed. You can do so by defining the headers attribute for the field.

headers should be a list of dictionaries in the order that you want the column to appear, with the key being the name of the attribute and the value being the column's label.

code: |
my_attachment.overflow_fields['attorneys'].headers = [
{"name": "Name"},
{"bbo_number": "Bar number"},
{"firm": "Firm name"}


Below is a complete example that demonstrates how to use a custom addendum.

  1. the addendum is enabled
  2. we specify a custom addendum template
  3. we add the reasons_for_request variable to the fields that will be checked for the addendum and say it can contain at most 640 characters
  4. we limit the number of characters that will go onto the main PDF form to the "safe" number of characters
- CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment: ALDocument.using(filename="CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss", title="Motion to Dismiss CRA", enabled=True, has_addendum=True, default_overflow_message="[See addendum]")
- al_user_bundle: ALDocumentBundle.using(elements=[CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment], title="Forms to download and deliver to court", filename="motion_to_dismiss_CRA.pdf")
variable name: CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment.addendum
docx template file: CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_addendum.docx
code: |
CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment.overflow_fields['reasons_for_request'].overflow_trigger = 640
CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment.overflow_fields['reasons_for_request'].label = "Reasons for request"
CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment.overflow_fields['children'].overflow_trigger = 3
CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment.overflow_fields['children'].label = "Children"
CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment.overflow_fields['children'].headers = [
{"name": "Name"},
{"birthdate": "Birthdate"},
{"address": "Address"},
CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment.overflow_fields.gathered = True
variable name: CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment[i]
name: CRA Motion to Dismiss
filename: CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss
skip undefined: True
pdf template file: CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss.pdf
- "reasons_for_request": ${ CRA_Motion_to_Dismiss_attachment.safe_value('reasons_for_request') }
- "docket_number": ${ docket_number }
- "user_signature": ${ users[0].signature_if_final(i) }
- "signature_date": ${ signature_date }

If you would like to make your own custom Addendum file, you can start by examining the generic addendum file included in the AssemblyLine repository. This example is very flexible, and may have more features than you need for your addendum.

Custom parameters for the addendum code

The safe_value() method is used to control the options for putting text into the PDF. The mirror, overflow_value() method can be used to control the text that is sent to addendum. The options for both methods are the same. When you use safe_value() and overflow_value(), you must use the same choices for each parameter to get consistent results.

  • input_width: int should equal the approximate width, in characters, of the input box on the PDF. We default to 80 characters, which is a typical of PDF field width. A full page-width PDF field at 12 points Helvetica is about 99 characters. input_width is used to calculate the total number of lines of text that fit in a multi-line input. It should be a whole divisor of the overflow_trigger.
  • preserve_newlines: bool defaults to False. When False, all whitespace will be condensed to a single space. If True, repeated newlines will be replaced with a single newline. Repeated spaces will be condensed to a single space. When the limit is less than or equal to one line, whitespace is always condensed.
  • preserve_words: bool defaults to True. When True, the addendum code will not cut off words in the middle. Instead, the text will be shortened so the safe_value() ends with a complete word. When False, text may be cut off in the middle of a word, but only for fields that are less than one full line wide. Words will always be kept whole when the input exceeds one line in length.
  • overflow_message can be used to provide a custom message when text is sent to the addendum. The AssemblyLine interviews default to an overflow message of ..., but no default is provided in the addendum code itself.

Handling uploaded documents

If you want to allow your user to upload a document, you have at least 3 options:

  1. Insert the uploaded image or document into the template, using Jinja2 tags in a DOCX file or using a signature field in a PDF.
  2. The ALExhibitDocument class, or
  3. The ALDocumentUpload class.

Choosing the right file upload method

Use a simple file field when someone needs to upload a single page or smaller image that can be inserted into the middle of an existing template.

Use the ALExhibitDocument when you need to handle a set of multiple exhibits of an unknown class and you want features like document titles, pagination, OCR, and a table of contents.

Use the ALDocumentUpload class when someone needs to upload a full page document, but you already know the title and you want it to be a standalone document in the final download, or if you want to append it to an existing download at the end of the interview.

Using a simple file field

In a Word document, you can use a datatype: file field. Then, put the field representing the file upload in your document with ordinary Jinja2 tags.

question: |
Upload a picture of your favorite pet
- Pet picture: pet_picture
datatype: file
accept: |

And the DOCX template would include something like this:

The user's favorite pet picture looks like this:

{{ pet_picture }}

You can also insert images into PDFs! When you prepare the PDF template, use the digital signature field type. Then, use the fields statement in the attachment block to assign the field to the PDF.

pdf template file: my_file.pdf
- "my_image_field": ${ pet_picture }

Handling basic file attachments with the ALDocumentUpload class

The ALDocumentUpload class is the right choice when you:

  1. need just one or a small number of documents uploaded
  2. want the uploaded document to be attached as-is to your final output
  3. don't need any of the special features of the ALExhibitDocument class.

ALDocumentUpload provides a simple wrapper around the file upload type that just makes it compatible with the ALDocumentBundle class.

Documents uploaded using this class will be added as a standalone file inside the bundle. They will typically fill the full page. This is perfect, for example, if you need the user to upload some critical document and you know exactly which document it is in advance. For example: a notice or letter that you know the user should have received.

When the user needs to upload multiple documents and you want to provide flexibility about which documents they upload and what order they are in, it may make more sense to use the ALExhibitDocument class.


- eviction_notice_attachment: ALDocumentUpload.using(
title="Eviction notice",
depends on:
- has_eviction_notice
code: |
id: interview order
mandatory: True
code: |
# ...
if has_eviction_notice:
# ...
- al_user_bundle: ALDocumentBundle.using(elements=[my_instructions, my_main_attachment, eviction_notice_attachment], filename="user_bundle.pdf", title="All forms to download for your records")
id: eviction notice
question: |
Eviction notice
subquestion: |
If you have a copy of the notice you got from your landlord, upload it now.
- Do you have the eviction notice available now?: has_eviction_notice
datatype: yesnoradio
- Upload it now: eviction_notice_attachment.file
datatype: file
accept: |
show if: has_eviction_notice

Using the full power of ALExhibitDocument

Uploaded documents can raise a lot of complex issues, from validating specific file formats and limiting size to a figure the server can process, to gathering, organizing, and grouping pages. If you would like to handle files that are uploaded by the interview user during the course of the interview, the ALExhibitDocument class can handle some of the complexity for you.

ALExhibitDocuments have:

  1. pre-written questions
  2. validation of uploads for both size and valid image or document formats
  3. the ability to add a document one page at a time, such as with a smartphone camera
  4. the ability to add multiple labeled documents in one go
  5. the ability to rearrange pages
  6. an optional table of contents
  7. an optional cover page for each document
  8. optional page numbering
  9. optional OCRing

To trigger asking for the user to upload documents at a specific time in your interview, you can use the .gather() method of your_document.exhibits.

You may want to customize this screen by copying and pasting the block linked above into your interview. This feature is fairly complex, so try just changing the wording and leave the validation code alone.

You can use an ALExhibitDocument by creating an ALExhibitDocument in an objects block and adding that object to an ALDocumentBundle.

Below is a simple snippet that demonstrates how to use an ALExhibitDocument.

  1. we use the default options, which include adding sequential Bates numbers to pages, generating a table of contents, and adding individual cover pages for each exhibit.
  2. we trigger the questions about exhibits at a specific point in the interview.
  3. we also add the exhibit_attachment document into the ALDocumentBundle by adding it to the elements=[...] list inside the bundle's definition
- exhibit_attachment: ALExhibitDocument.using(
id: interview order
mandatory: True
code: |
# ...
if exhibit_attachment.exhibits.has_exhibits:
# ...
- al_user_bundle: ALDocumentBundle.using(elements=[my_instructions, my_main_attachment, exhibit_attachment], filename="user_bundle.pdf", title="All forms to download for your records")

Customizing Exhibits

You can add your own template for the table of contents by customizing your_document.cover_page. Use the stock table of contents template as a model. It has some fancy math to figure out what page number to start the exhibits at, based on whether it thinks the table of contents itself will spill onto a second page.

You can add your own template for the individual cover pages for each document, too. Use the stock cover page template as a model.

By default, exhibits are labeled sequentially as A, B, and so on. You can supply your own method for labeling each exhibit by defining the auto_labeler attribute of the your_document.exhibits object to be a Python function that accepts an integer and returns a string. The default labeler is just the Docassemble function alpha. If, for example, you wanted to use Roman numerals:

mandatory: True
code: |
exhibit_attachment.exhibits.auto_labeler = roman

where roman is referring to the Docassemble function.

You can also define your own labeling function, like:

mandatory: True
code: |
exhibit_attachment.exhibits.auto_labeler = lambda y: str(y+1)

Which would make the exhibit labels 1, 2, and so on. You need to ensure that your label override gets triggered, which is demonstrated above by adding the mandatory: True modifier to the block that defines it.

Using advanced OCR settings

OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, adds a layer of searchable text. This may be useful if you expect users to take photographs of documents. Searchable text may also be a requirement for electronically filed documents in your jurisdiction.

By default, ALExhibit will be OCRed using Docassemble's native code, which converts images to gray-scale and is somewhat slow.

Optionally, you can tell AssemblyLine interviews to use an improved OCR system, OCRMyPDF. To turn on OCRMyPDF:

  1. Install OCRMyPDF as a Debian package inside your docker container.
  2. Update your global configuration.

Installing OCRMyPDF

Edit your global configuration and find an entry labeled debian packages. Edit or add it so that it includes ocrmypdf, like this:

debian packages:
- ocrmypdf

Next, you can either start and then stop your Docassemble docker container on the command line, or manually install the application as follows:

docker exec -ti [TAB] /bin/bash
apt update
apt install ocrmypdf

Setting OCRMyPDF as the default OCR engine in AssemblyLine interviews

Find and edit the assembly line directive in your configuration so that it includes this line:

assembly line:
ocr engine: ocrmypdf

If this setting is missing or the ocr engine is set to anything other than ocrmypdf, the default Docassemble OCR engine will be used instead.


The ALStaticDocument class is provided to give you a simple method to include plain PDF or Word instructions that do not have any variables included in them and have only one version (rather than a preview and final version). It can also work for image files or any file that can be converted to PDF.

To use an ALStaticDocument in your bundle, upload the desired PDF, Word, or image file to the static folder in your Docassemble package, and initialize it like this:

- my_static_file: ALStaticDocument.using(filename="my_static_file.pdf", title="Instructions", enabled=True)
- al_court_bundle: ALDocumentBundle.using(elements=[my_static_file], title="Forms to download")

Creating XLSX files with ALTableDocument


In progress!



In progress!