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al_general: Python Classes representing people

The functions and classes listed on this page are always available in Assembly Line interviews.

Python classes for representing people and addresses​

ALAddress and ALAddressList classes​

The ALAddress class is an extension of the built-in Docassemble Address class.

If an address is an ALAddress, it has an address_fields() method that can be used inside a fields: code: | statement to insert a consistently formatted series of address fields. address_fields() will include an autocomplete method and is internationalized.

Assembly Line question library questions use ALAddress objects for both the address and mailing_address attributes of people.


- the_address: ALAddress
id: address question
- the_address.address
question: |
What is the address?
- code: |

See Addresses for more information and examples.


You must use sets with the address_fields() method. Otherwise Docassemble will not be able to find the block to provide a definition of the address fields.

The address_fields() method includes the following optional parameters:

  • country_code: if provided, will be used to control the list of states that is displayed as well as the default country in the country drop down. In the Assembly Line question library, country_code typically defaults to the value of AL_DEFAULT_COUNTRY
  • default_state: default state, province, or sub locality. In the Assembly Line question library, default_state typically defaults to the value of AL_DEFAULT_STATE
  • show_country: defaults to False. If enabled, a country drop down menu will be displayed.


The ALAddressList class is a collection of ALAddresses. It is used to allow you to collect multiple addresses in one go and otherwise works exactly like the built-in Docassemble DAList object.

The __str__() method of an ALAddressList has been modified so that using it displays a series of addresses on one line, separated by ;. This is used any place that Docassemble treats the variable as text, such as in a template, attachment block, or in a question or subquestion field.


${ person.previous_addresses } might display 123 Main St, Boston, MA; 456 Broadway, Cambridge, MA.

The previous_addresses attribute of an ALIndividual is an ALAddressList.

ALIndividual and ALPeopleList classes​

The ALIndividual is an extension of the Docassemble Individual class. It should be used to represent both natural people and businesses or other entities.

ALIndividual objects include the following methods that are not in the stock Individual class:

  • signature_if_final(i) is meant to be used inside a template or attachment block with the ALDocument class. It displays the signature if and only if i == 'final'.
  • phone_numbers() displays either mobile_number, phone_number, or both if both are present for use in a PDF form with only one space to list phone numbers.
  • contact_methods() displays a list of the contact methods the user provided in the default question library "contact information" screen as a formatted string. Specifically, it will display mobile_number, phone_number, email, and other_contact_method. This may be helpful in a formatted letter.
  • age_in_years() returns the individual's age as an integer (whole number), calculated from the individual's birthdate attribute.
  • formatted_age() is like age_in_years() but returns a formatted string with years, months, weeks, and days included when relevant. The cutoff is 2 weeks to display days, 2 years to display months, and anything over 2 years displays only years.
  • name_fields(person_or_business:str = 'person', show_suffix=True) is like address_fields() and is used to display a list of either 3 or 4 fields for a person's name. See Names
  • address_fields() is a wrapper around the address_fields() method of an ALAddress with the same parameters.
  • gender_fields(show_help=False) is like the address_fields() method but displays a list of vetted gender options. Read more about gender questions.
  • pronoun_fields() displays a question that allows the user to provide their pronouns, with multiple choice and a fill-in-the-blank option. See pronouns.
  • initials() is used to return a string with the 1, 2, or 3 initial letters of a person's name. E.g., QKS for Quinten K Steenhuis.
  • language_fields(choices=List[Dict[str, str]]) provides a language selector that sets the .language attribute of the user, together with an other fill-in. This should be the two-letter ISO language code. We recommend defining and passing a dictionary named al_language_user_choices which will also be used by built-in questions triggered from ql_baseline.yml.
  • language_name() will return the language name in English. If there is a system-wide translation words.yml translation file and the user's interface is in that language, the language name will be translated. If the user selected an other option, the other option will be returned.

Read-only attributes:

The following are all read-only attributes you can use with PDF checkbox fields. They return True or False depending on the value of the gender attribute.

  • gender_male
  • gender_female
  • gender_nonbinary
  • gender_other (True if and only if the gender attribute is not "female" or "male")
  • gender_unknown
  • gender_self_described
Relation to the Individual class​

The ALIndividual class inherits from Docassemble's Individual class, and all other methods of Individual work the same way as they do in the Individual class.


The ALPeopleList class is used to represent a group of people. Otherwise it works exactly like the built-in Docassemble DAList object.

It also has the following additional methods:

  • familiar() returns a comma-separated list of just the first name of each member of the list, with and joining the last two items
  • familiar_or() returns a comma-separated list of just the first name of each member of the list, with or joining the last two items
  • short_list(limit:int, truncate_string:str=', et. al.') returns a list that will be cut off at the limit provided. By default, , et. al. is appended. The text can be customized.

In the lists above, and and or can be translated using words.yml)


users.short_list(2) will display John Smith and Jane Smith, et. al. if the list contains John Smith, Jane Smith, and Jane Doe. et al is not used if the list is at or below the limit provided.

Relation to the DAList class​

ALPeopleList inherits from Docassemble's DAList class, and retains all methods and attributes of a DAList.

Specifically, the language methods, including the pronoun() and related methods, can be used to display the correct pronoun depending on the number and gender of the members of an ALPeopleList. E.g., users.pronoun_possessive() will return her if there is a single user with the gender attribute value "female", and their if there are multiple members of the list.

These methods can be helpful inside single-language pleading templates but usually should not be used inside the interview itself, as they can make translation challenging. While there are language-specific versions of these methods, they can lead to odd ungrammatical "fragments". As tedious as it may be, the best practice for translation inside the interview is to use conditional logic for full sentences matching each gender and number.

Classes for specific kinds of people​

Currently, the Assembly Line interviews provide these classes that you can use to target questions to a specific type of person:

  • Tenant
  • HousingAuthority
  • Applicant
  • Abuser
  • Survivor

Each class subclasses ALIndividual and shares its methods and attributes. There are no special attributes or methods of these classes. They are provided for you to customize questions.