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Get the lower-case textual description that matches a time period contained in a "times per year" list.

The goal of this function is to allow you to reflect the user's selection back to them, either on screen or in a document.

In al_income.yml there is a default times_per_year_list, but the list that you use must be passed as a parameter as it's common to want to customize this for a given financial statement.

For example: if the times_per_year is 12, it will return "monthly" from the default times_per_year_list.

If the times per year does not exist in the given list, it will return a literal string like "five times per year".

Fractional or floating point-based times_per_year are permissible in the times_per_year_list, although they are not commonly used. E.g., .5 would represent "every two years". Items not contained in the list (to provide a specific lookup name) will have a string representation that is rounded to the nearest whole integer.


Returns a list of the most recent past years, continuing into the future. Defaults to most recent 15 years+1. Useful to populate a combobox of years where the most recent ones are most likely. E.g. automobile years or birthdate.

Keyword parameters:

  • past {float} The number of past years to list, including the current year. The default is 15
  • order {string} 'descending' or 'ascending'. Default is descending.
  • future (defaults to 1).

ALPeriodicAmount Objects

class ALPeriodicAmount(DAObject)

Represents an amount (could be an income or an expense depending on the context) that reoccurs some times per year. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. The default is 1 (a year).


.value {str | float | Decimal} A number representing an amount of money accumulated during the times_per_year of this income. .times_per_year {float | Decimal} Represents a number of the annual frequency of the income. E.g. 12 for a monthly income. .source {str} (Optional) The "source" of the income, like a "job" or a "house". .display_name {str} (Optional) If present, will have a translated string to show the user, as opposed to a raw english string from the program


Returns the income's .total() as string, not its object name.


Returns the income over the specified times_per_year,

To calculate .total(), an ALPeriodicAmount must have a .times_per_year and .value.

ALIncome Objects

class ALIncome(ALPeriodicAmount)

Represents an income which may have an hourly rate or a salary. Hourly rate incomes must include hours per period (times per year). Period is some denominator of a year. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. The default is 1 (a year).


.value {str | float | Decimal} A number representing an amount of money accumulated during the times_per_year of this income. .times_per_year {float | Decimal} Represents a number of the annual frequency of the income. E.g. 12 for a monthly income. .is_hourly {bool} (Optional) True if the income is hourly. .hours_per_period {float | Decimal} (Optional) If the income is hourly, the number of hours during the annual frequency of this job. E.g. if the annual frequency is 52 (weekly), the hours per week might be 50. That is, 50 hours per week. This attribute is required if .is_hourly is True. .source {str} (Optional) The "source" of the income, like a "job" or a "house". .owner {str} (Optional) Full name of the income's owner as a single string.


Returns the income over the specified times_per_year, taking into account hours per period for hourly items. For example, for an hourly income of 10 an hour, 40 hours a week, would be 20,800, the yearly income, and would be 400, the weekly income.

To calculate .total(), an ALIncome must have a .times_per_year and .value. It can also have .is_hourly and .hours_per_period.

ALExpense Objects

class ALExpense(ALPeriodicAmount)

Not much changes from ALPeriodic Amount, just the generic object questions

ALIncomeList Objects

class ALIncomeList(DAList)

Represents a filterable DAList of incomes-type items. It can make use of these attributes and methods in its items:

.source .owner .times_per_year .value .total()


Returns a set of the unique sources in the ALIncomeList.


Returns an ALIncomeList consisting only of elements matching the specified income source, assisting in filling PDFs with predefined spaces. source may be a list.


Returns the total periodic value in the list, gathering the list items if necessary. You can optionally filter by source. source can be a string or a list. You can also filter by one owner.

To calculate .total() correctly, all items must have a .total() and it should be a positive value. Job-type incomes should automatically exclude deductions.


Gives a 'gather by checklist' option. If no selected_types param is passed, requires that a .selected_types attribute be set by a datatype: checkboxes fields If "other" is in the selected_types, the source will not be set directly

Sets the attribute "moved" to true, doesn't set gathered, because this isn't idempotent, so trying to also gather all info about the checks in the list doesn't work well.

ALJob Objects

class ALJob(ALIncome)

Represents a single job that may be hourly or pay-period based.

The job can have a net and gross income figure, but it does not represent individual items like wages, tips or deductions that may appear on a paycheck--the user must enter the total amount for "net" and "gross" income for a given period.

Can be stored in an ALJobList.


.value {float | Decimal} A number representing an amount of money accumulated during the times_per_year of this income. .times_per_year {float} Represents a number of the annual frequency of the value. E.g. 12 for a monthly value. .is_hourly {bool} (Optional): Whether the gross total should be calculated based on hours worked per week .hours_per_period {float} (Optional) The number of hours during the annual frequency of this job. E.g. if the annual frequency is 52 (weekly), the hours per week might be 50. That is, 50 hours per week. .deduction {float} (Optional) The amount of money deducted from the total value each period. If this job is hourly, deduction is still from each period, not each hour. Used to calculate the net income in net_income(). .employer {Individual} (Optional) A docassemble Individual object, employer.address is the address and is the phone


Same as ALIncome total. Returns the income over the specified times_per_year, representing the .value attribute of the item.

times_per_year is some denominator of a year. E.g. to express a weekly period, use 52. The default is 1 (a year).


Returns the total deductions from someone's pay over the specificed times_per_year (not per hour if hourly).

times_per_year is some denominator of a year. E.g. to express a weekly period, use 52. The default is 1 (a year).


Returns the net income over a time period, found using self.value and self.deduction.

times_per_year is some denominator of a year. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. The default is 1 (a year).

self.deduction is the amount deducted from one's pay over a period (not per hour if hourly).

This will force the gathering of the ALJob's .value and .deduction attributes.


Returns name, address and phone number of employer as a string. Forces gathering the .employer, .employer_address, and .employer_phone attributes.


Returns the normalized number of hours worked in a given times_per_year, based on the self.hours_per_period and self.times_per_year attributes.

For example, if the person works 10 hours a week, it will return 520 when the times_per_year parameter is 1.

times_per_year is some denominator of a year. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. The default is 1 (a year).

This will force the gathering of the attributes .hours_per_period and .times_per_year

ALJobList Objects

class ALJobList(ALIncomeList)

Represents a list of ALJobs. Adds the .gross_total() and .net_total() methods to the ALIncomeList class. It's a more common way of reporting income than ALItemizedJobList.


Returns the sum of the gross incomes of its ALJobs divided by the time times_per_year. You can filter the jobs by source. source can be a string or a list.

times_per_year is some denominator of a year. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. The default is 1 (a year).


Returns the sum of the gross incomes of its ALJobs divided by the time times_per_year. You can filter the jobs by source. source can be a string or a list.

times_per_year is some denominator of a year. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. The default is 1 (a year).


Returns the sum of the net incomes of its ALJobs divided by the time times_per_year. You can filter the jobs by source. source can be a string or a list. Leaving out source will use all sources.

If the job is hourly, the net_total() may not be comparable to the gross_total().

times_per_year is some denominator of a year. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. The default is 1 (a year).


Returns the sum of the deductions of its ALJobs divided by the time times_per_year. You can filter the jobs by source. Leaving out source will use all sources.

ALExpenseList Objects

class ALExpenseList(ALIncomeList)

A list of expenses

  • each element has a:
  • value
  • source
  • display name

ALAsset Objects

class ALAsset(ALIncome)

An ALAsset represents an asset that has a market value, an optional income that the asset earns, and an optional balance which may be helpful if the asset represents a financial account rather than a physical asset.

Can be stored in an ALAssetList.


.market_value {float | Decimal} Market value of the asset. .balance {float | Decimal } Current balance of the account, e.g., like the balance in a checking account, but could also represent a loan amount. .value {float | Decimal} (Optional) Represents the income the asset earns for a given times_per_year, such as interest earned in a checking account. If not defined, the income will be set to 0, to simplify representing the many common assets that do not earn any income. .times_per_year {float} (Optional) Number of times per year the asset earns the income listed in the value attribute. .owner {str} (Optional) Full name of the asset owner as a single string. .source {str} (Optional) The "source" of the asset, like "vase".


Returns the .value attribute divided by the times per year you want to calculate. The value defaults to 0.

times_per_year is some denominator of a year. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. The default is 1 (a year).


  • times_per_year float, optional - The number of times per year to calculate. Defaults to 1.


  • Decimal - The .value attribute divided by the times per year.


Returns the total equity in the asset (e.g., market value minus balance).


  • loan_attribute str, optional - The attribute of the asset to use as the loan value. Defaults to "balance".


  • Decimal - The total equity in the asset.

ALAssetList Objects

class ALAssetList(ALIncomeList)

A list of ALAssets. The total() of the list will be the total income earned, which may not be what you want for a list of assets. To get the total value of all assets, use the market_value() method.


  • market_value float | Decimal - Market value of the asset.
  • balance float | Decimal - Current balance of the account, e.g., like the balance in a checking account, but could also represent a loan amount.
  • value float | Decimal, optional - Represents the income the asset earns for a given times_per_year, such as interest earned in a checking account. If not defined, the income will be set to 0, to simplify representing the many common assets that do not earn any income.
  • times_per_year float, optional - Number of times per year the asset earns the income listed in the value attribute.
  • owner str, optional - Full name of the asset owner as a single string.
  • source str, optional - The "source" of the asset, like "vase".


Returns the total .market_value of assets in the list.

You can filter the assets by source. source can be a string or a list.


  • source Optional[SourceType] - The source of the assets to include in the calculation. If None, all sources are included. Can be a string or a list.
  • exclude_source Optional[SourceType] - The source of the assets to exclude from the calculation. If None, no sources are excluded.


  • Decimal - The total market value of the assets.


Returns the total .balance of assets in the list, which typically corresponds to the available funds in a financial account.

You can filter the assets by source. source can be a string or a list.


  • source Optional[SourceType] - The source of the assets to include in the calculation. If None, all sources are included. Can be a string or a list.
  • exclude_source Optional[SourceType] - The source of the assets to exclude from the calculation. If None, no sources are excluded.


  • Decimal - The total balance of the assets.


Calculates and returns the total equity in the assets.

This method triggers the gathering of assets, then iterates over each asset. If a source or exclude_source is not specified, or if the asset's source satisfies the source criteria, the equity of the asset is added to the total.


  • source Optional[SourceType] - The source of the assets to include in the calculation. If None, all sources are included.
  • exclude_source Optional[SourceType] - The source of the assets to exclude from the calculation. If None, no sources are excluded.
  • loan_attribute str, optional - The attribute of the asset to use as the loan value. Defaults to "balance".


  • Decimal - The total equity in the assets.


Returns a set of the unique owners of the assets.

You can filter the assets by source. source can be a string or a list.


  • source Optional[SourceType] - The source of the assets to include in the calculation. If None, all sources are included. Can be a string or a list.
  • exclude_source Optional[SourceType] - The source of the assets to exclude from the calculation. If None, no sources are excluded.


  • Set[str] - A set of the unique owners of the assets.

ALVehicle Objects

class ALVehicle(ALAsset)

Represents a vehicle as a specialized type of ALAsset.

This subclass of ALAsset adds specific attributes relevant to vehicles, such as year, make, and model, and includes methods for representing these attributes in a standardized format, as often required on financial statement forms.


  • year str - The model year of the vehicle, e.g., '2022'.
  • make str - The make of the vehicle, e.g., 'Honda'.
  • model str - The model of the vehicle, e.g., 'Accord'.
  • market_value float or Decimal - Market value of the vehicle.
  • balance float or Decimal - Balance of the loan on the vehicle.
  • value float or Decimal, optional - Income earned by the vehicle, typically 0.
  • times_per_year int - The frequency over which the value is earned annually.
  • owner str - Full name of the vehicle owner.
  • source str, optional - The source of the asset, defaults to 'vehicle'.


Returns a string of the format year/make/model of the vehicle. Triggers gathering those attributes.


separator {str} (Optional) The separator between the year, make and model.


A string of the format year/make/model of the vehicle.

ALVehicleList Objects

class ALVehicleList(ALAssetList)

List of ALVehicles. Extends ALAssetList.

ALSimpleValue Objects

class ALSimpleValue(DAObject)

Represents a currency value. It's meant to be stored in a list. Can be an item in an ALSimpleValueList.


.value {str | float } The monetary value of the item. .transaction_type {str} (Optional) Can be "expense", which will give a negative value to the total of the item. .source {str} (Optional) The "source" of the item, like "vase".


If desired, to use as a ledger, values can be signed (mixed positive and negative). Setting transaction_type = 'expense' makes the value negative. Use min=0 in that case.

If you use signed values, be careful when placing in an ALIncomeList object. The total() method may return unexpected results in that case.


Returns the total as a formatted string

ALSimpleValueList Objects

class ALSimpleValueList(DAList)

Represents a filterable DAList of ALSimpleValues.


Returns a set of the unique sources of values stored in the list.


Returns the total value in the list, gathering the list items if necessary. You can filter the values by source. source can be a string or a list.

ALItemizedValue Objects

class ALItemizedValue(DAObject)

An item in an ALItemizedValueDict (a line item like wages, tips or union dues). Should be a positive number, even if it will later be subtracted from the job's net total.

WARNING: This item's period-based value can't be calculated correctly outside of an ALItemizedJob. Its value should only be accessed through the filtering methods of the ALItemizedJob that contains it.


.value {float | Decimal} A number representing an amount of money accumulated during the times_per_year of this item or this item's job. .is_hourly {bool} Whether this particular item is calculated hourly. .times_per_year { float} A denominator of a year representing the annual frequency of the job. E.g. 12 for monthly. .exists {bool} (Optional) Allows an interview author to pre-define some common descriptors, like "wages" or "union dues" without requiring the user to provide a value for each item.

If the ".exists" attribute is False or undefined, the item will not be used when calculating totals.


Returns a YAML structure representing the list of fields for an itemized value, to be passed to a code attribute of a question's fields


Returns a string of the value of the item with two decimal places.

ALItemizedValueDict Objects

class ALItemizedValueDict(DAOrderedDict)

Dictionary that can contain ALItemizedValues (e.g. line items) for an ALItemizedJob. E.g., wages, tips and deductions being the most common.

An ALItemizedJob will have two ALItemizedValueDicts, one for income and one for deductions.

WARNING: Should only be accessed through an ALItemizedJob. Otherwise you may get unexpected results.


Update item lists after they've been gathered or edited to remove non-existent items. Will still allow the developer to set auto_gather=False if they want without affecting this functionality. See

If a developer wants to remove these items before gathering is finished, they can use similar code in their question's validation code:


Returns a string of the dictionary's key/value pairs as two-element lists in a list. E.g. '[["federal_taxes", "2500.00"], ["wages", "15.50"]]'

ALItemizedJob Objects

class ALItemizedJob(DAObject)

An "Itemized" job is a job which allows the user to report very specific, granular details about the money that they earn in that job and any deductions that they have on their paycheck. This detailed accounting of money for each job is required on some financial statements, although in many financial statements, just reporting gross and net income is sufficient.

For example, an ALItemizedJob can let the user report:

  • Wages at one hourly rate
  • Overtime at a second hourly rate
  • Tips earned during that time period
  • A fixed salary earned for that pay period
  • Union Dues
  • Insurance
  • Taxes

If the financial statement only requires "gross" and "net" income, the ALJobList has a simpler API and may be the preferred way to represent the income in code.


.to_add {ALItemizedValueDict} Dict of ALItemizedValues that would be added to a job's net total, like wages and tips. .to_subtract {ALItemizedValueDict} Dict of ALItemizedValues that would be subtracted from a net total, like union dues or insurance premiums. .times_per_year {float} A denominator of a year, like 12 for monthly, that represents how frequently the income is earned .is_hourly {bool} (Optional) Whether the value represents a figure that the user earns on an hourly basis, rather than for the full time period .hours_per_period {int} (Optional) If the job is hourly, how many hours the user works per period. .employer {Individual} (Optional) Individual assumed to have a name and, optionally, an address and phone. .source {str} (Optional) The category of this item, like "public service". Defaults to "job".

  • WARNING - Individual items in .to_add and .to_subtract should not be used directly. They should only be accessed through the filtering methods of this job.

    Fulfills these requirements:

    • A job can be hourly. Its wages will be calculated with that in mind.
    • Despite an hourly job, some individual items must be calculated using the job's whole period.
    • Some items will have their own periods.
    • In a list of jobs, a developer may need to access full time and part time jobs separately.
    • In a list of jobs, a developer may need to sum all items from one source, such as tips or taxes.
    • The developer needs access to total money coming in, total money going out, and the total of money going in and money coming out.
    • A user must be able to add their own arbitrary items.


Alias for ALItemizedJob.gross_total to integrate with ALIncomeList math.


Returns the sum of positive values (payments) for a given times_per_year. You can filter the items by source. source can be a string or a list. If you use sources from deductions, they will be ignored.


  • kwarg - times_per_year {float} (Optional) Number of times per year you want to calculate. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. Default is 1.
  • kwarg - source {str | [str]} (Optional) Source or list of sources of desired item(s).


Returns the sum of money going out (normally, deductions like union dues) divided by a pay times_per_year as a positive value. You can filter the items by source. source can be a string or a list.


  • kwarg - times_per_year {float} (Optional) Number of times per year you want to calculate. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. Default is 1.
  • kwarg - source {str | List[str]} (Optional) Source or list of sources of desired item(s).


Returns the net (gross minus deductions) value of the job divided by times_per_year. You can filter the items by source. source can be a string or a list. E.g. "full time" or ["full time", "union dues"]


  • kwarg - times_per_year {float} (Optional) Number of times per year you want to calculate. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. Default is 1.
  • kwarg - source {str | List[str]} (Optional) Source or list of sources of desired item(s).


Returns concatenation of employer name and, if they exist, employer address and phone number.


Returns the normalized number of hours worked in a given times_per_year, based on the self.hours_per_period and self.times_per_year attributes.

For example, if the person works 10 hours a week, it will return 520 when the times_per_year parameter is 1.

ALItemizedJobList Objects

class ALItemizedJobList(DAList)

Represents a list of ALItemizedJobs that can have both payments and money out. This is a less common way of reporting income.


Returns a set of the unique sources in all of the jobs. By default gets from both sides, if which_side is "deductions", only gets from deductions.


Alias for ALItemizedJobList.gross_total to integrate with ALIncomeList math.


Returns the sum of the gross incomes of the list's jobs divided by the times_per_year. You can filter the items by source. source can be a string or a list.


  • kwarg - source {str | [str]} - (Optional) Source or list of sources of desired job items to sum from every itemized job. E.g. ['tips', 'commissions']
  • kwarg - times_per_year {float} (Optional) Number of times per year you want to calculate. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. Default is 1.


Returns the sum of the deductions of the list's jobs divided by the times_per_year. You can filter the items by source. source can be a string or a list.


  • kwarg - source {str | [str]} - (Optional) Source or list of sources of desired job items to sum from every itemized job. E.g. ['taxes', 'dues']
  • kwarg - times_per_year {float} (Optional) Number of times per year you want to calculate. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. Default is 1.


Returns the net of the list's jobs (money in minus money out) divided by the times_per_year. You can filter the items by source. source can be a string or a list.


  • kwarg - source {str | List[str]} - (Optional) Source or list of sources of desired job items to sum from every itemized job. E.g. ['tips', 'taxes']
  • kwarg - times_per_year {float} (Optional) Number of times per year you want to calculate. E.g, to express a weekly period, use 52. Default is 1.