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Name formats

In programming languages (and sometimes in computer files and names in general), there are a lot of different rules that could be used to name different things like files and variables. When working in a large team, choosing consistent conventions for naming these things makes reading and writing code easier. At the AssemblyLine project, we've settled on several conventions:

  1. snake_case
  2. kebab-case
  3. PascalCase

Types of Naming Conventions


  • Start with a letter, not a digit
  • Separate words with underscores (_) instead of spaces
  • All other characters are either 0 to 9 or lowercase a to z (alphanumeric)

Some examples: number_of_people, issue_12_address, protective_order.pdf


  • Start with a letter, not a digit
  • Separate words with dashes (-) instead of spaces
  • All other characters are either 0 to 9 or lowercase a to z (alphanumeric)

Some examples: protective-order.yml


  • Start with a letter, not a digit
  • Each word starts with an uppercase letter
  • All the words are squished together
  • All characters are either 0 to 9 or a to z (alphanumeric)

Some examples: ProtectiveOrder, ProtectiveOrderRemoveAddress

Uses of Naming Conventions

Form Files stored in docassemble: snake_case

  • Makes it clear to lawyers, and we can use the file name as a variable name as well.
  • Avoid using the section numbers of the law unless they are the common name of the form.
  • Include at least one descriptive term.
    • Example: use protective_order_209A.pdf, even if attorneys call it "209A".
  • Avoid adding suffixes or information about the progress of the form at the end of the file. For example, use protective_order.pdf over protective_order_processed.pdf or protective_order_reviewed.pdf.
  • In all other ways, use the common name of the form - the name attorneys know it by.

Downloadable documents: kebab-case

  • We use dashes (-) because underscores (_) can be hard to see in file names, especially if the text is underlined.
  • Exactly the same as the docassemble form name in all other ways.

Other files stored in docassemble: snake_case

  • snake_case is a common convention and is clear to developers

PDF variables: snake_case

Code variables: snake_case mostly

Naming variables is hard, but good code variables are clear and short, in that order.


  • Regular variable names (reason_for_appeal)
  • Objects (judges, other_parties)
  • Methods of classes (template.get_pdf_fields())


  • Classes (PlaygroundSection)

Variable names should read close to natural English out loud. Avoid putting the type of the variable in its name, sometimes called hungarian notation: for example, using is_parent_bool to indicate a boolean, or children_list indicating a list.

Adding extra information into the variable name does help make things more clear, for example, got_notice_date, or plaintiff_email. But this is helpful because we're describing the purpose of the variable, not it's type. Our conventions for our PDF and DOCX variables has some good examples.

For a boolean value, use a word or phrase that you can answer with yes or no. They are often verb-noun pairs. has_ and is_ can be useful. Examples: is_minor, was_convicted, has_court_date.

Use a plural word for a list of things, and a singular word for one thing. Examples: children, child

Docassemble Projects and Packages

In the Docassemble playground:

  • Each project must have a unique name.
  • Your package name doesn't have to be the same as your project name.
  • Use PascalCase when naming projects and packages.

If you are naming a package for the first time (for example, before publishing an interview to GitHub), take a moment to check the package name, which will be difficult to change later on. Follow these guidelines:

  • The package name should be name of the form for which you are making the interview.
  • Use PascalCase (SmallClaims, not Smallclaims).
  • Package and GitHub repository names should include an abbreviation for the jurisdiction. (For example, MASmallClaims for a Massachusetts small claims form interview. Or perhaps MATCSmallClaims if you want to specify that it is for the Massachusetts Trial Court.)



A string that is alphanumeric has only digits 0 to 9 and the letters A to Z in it. The letters can be lowercase or uppercase.

Yes: A b 12 ab12 CZ 5

No: A! (b) ab 12 $12 "CZ" 0.5

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